Memorable Quotes

"Mom, I love you, but I don't want to know what you're made of."
- This is a quote from a few years back.  Heather was shopping, and they passed through the women's section with all of the bras and such.  Devin covered his eyes and said this.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Smooth Jazz

On January 24th, Heather, Devin and I had a chance to go the Utah Jazz game in Salt Lake City.  Devin's aunt Samantha and Uncle Jeff had won a raffle that included an opportunity for Devin to be an honorary ballboy or "courtside kid".
Devin would later reflect back and say that it "wasn't quite what I expected".  He had been really positive, and more than one of us had built it up in his mind that he would probably be wiping up the sweat off the court and be out there during the game.
Needless to say, we were only "courtside" until the game started.  Then we headed to our assigned seats up in nosebleed.  But, I enjoyed it a lot, and I am sure that Devin and Heather did as well; largely overinflated food prices aside.