Memorable Quotes

"Mom, I love you, but I don't want to know what you're made of."
- This is a quote from a few years back.  Heather was shopping, and they passed through the women's section with all of the bras and such.  Devin covered his eyes and said this.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Christmas In February

Okay, so these pictures are only a month and a half late. I am trying to catch up here. Thought these were pretty cute.  Brenan was all decked out and ready to help Santa make the rounds.  Lauryn performing in her pre-school Christmas presentation.  Sorry its a little blurry, but it was hard to catch them standing still.  For the final picture, we thought we'd make use of Brenan as a baby, and having an older brother and sister.  If you couldn't quite tell, this is our version of the Nativity scene.