Memorable Quotes

"Mom, I love you, but I don't want to know what you're made of."
- This is a quote from a few years back.  Heather was shopping, and they passed through the women's section with all of the bras and such.  Devin covered his eyes and said this.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Okay, let's get started.

Well, for those of you that know me, or more specifically, know my history, you know that I've started a blog or two in the past.  I'm making a committment to stick with this one.  It will be about the comings and goings of the Utah Donbrosky's.  Hence, the title.
Right now I plan to update the blog at least once per week.  I originally thought of using a Barack Obama background, but realized that it didn't really fit me.

This is a picture of our family.  From left to right, Matthew, Lauryn, Devin, Heather and Brenan.