Memorable Quotes

"Mom, I love you, but I don't want to know what you're made of."
- This is a quote from a few years back.  Heather was shopping, and they passed through the women's section with all of the bras and such.  Devin covered his eyes and said this.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Full Crawl

Brenan is officially crawling.  He started about a week ago actually [I've been a slacker].  Now we are constantly on defense, watching to make sure he's not headed for the stairs or some other peril.  Gone are the days of sitting him in one spot and finding him there 10 minutes later.  But, he is a much happier child now that he has gained some "independence".Of course, all of that crawling tends to wear him out.  As is typical of a little child, they don't understand the great blessing that sleep is. 

I'm not really sure what Devin was looking at in this photo, but he was really interested in it.  He was also so handsome that I thought I'd share the pic.
Then there is Lauryn.  Man is she sassy!  She packs quite a bit of "attitude" into her daily activities.  It is amazing to see the difference in personalities between boys and girls.  We wouldn't trade her for anything.


Joanna & Ben said...

Yay, I can leave a comment!!! I was waiting for that, I thought you just didn't want to hear anything we had to say. The kids are so adorable...but Devin though, he's a little man and is so Handsome!!! He looks so grown up. Can't wait to see you guys in a few months.

Lildonbro said...

Brenan looks so much like Devin. Takes me back to 2001 when I first moved out there. They aren't the same age, but it reminds me of pictures of have of Devin when he was just a wee lad.

Martha blogs a bunch of Lauryn stories and I agree that she's got some sass!

I can't believe how grown up Devin looks!!

Ditto to Jo's comment (everything she said :)